Modules du projet

Ce sont les modules qui ont été declaré pour ce projet :

Nom Description
Model API Song/Chord "Le chansonnier" is a program allowing to create, manage and publish a guitar songbook. It is able to produce nice PDF documents containing song and chords along with chord diagrams.
Swing GUI librarires for Song/Chord display "Le chansonnier" is a program allowing to create, manage and publish a guitar songbook. It is able to produce nice PDF documents containing song and chords along with chord diagrams.
Le chansonnier - MDB framework "Le chansonnier" is a program allowing to create, manage and publish a guitar songbook. It is able to produce nice PDF documents containing song and chords along with chord diagrams.
Le chansonnier (desktop application) "Le chansonnier" is a program allowing to create, manage and publish a guitar songbook. It is able to produce nice PDF documents containing song and chords along with chord diagrams.