Author List

Panel to visualize/edit the list of authors.
An 'author' here is take in a large way:

Authors can be added/edited from this panel with the 'Author detail' dialog. 
To associate an image to an author, you have to drag-and-drop the image to the 'Author detail' dialog.


Author details edition dialog

This dialog shows all data about an Author.
The fields are:


Toolbar actions

In addition to the global actions, This panel defines the following specific actions:

Author edition actions

  New Create new element.
  New As Create new element by copying the current.
  Open Open selected element.
  Delete Delete current element.

Move in author list actions

  First Go to first element of the list.
  Previous Group Go to previous group of elements of the list.
  Previous Go to previous element of the list.
  Next Go to next element of the list.
  Next Group Go to next group of elements of the list.
  Last Go to last element of the list.