Author List
Panel to visualize/edit the list of authors.
An 'author' here is take in a large way:
- It is either a group (or band) or a person.
- It can be the interpret (singer) or a real author (with specific contribution) of the song.
Authors can be added/edited from this panel with the 'Author detail' dialog.
To associate an image to an author, you have to drag-and-drop the image to the 'Author detail' dialog.
This dialog shows all data about an Author.
The fields are:
- Name: last name of the author (or main part of a group name like "Beatles" for "The Beatles").
- Prefix: first name of the author (or prefix part of a group name like "The" for "The Beatles"). The prefix is ignored when sorting authors alphabetically.Leave it empty if not applicable.
- Interpreted songs: all the songs for which this author is the singer.
- Authored songs: various contributions of this author in authoring songs.
- Birth year: year of birth of this author.
- Death year: year of death of this author (or empty if still alive).
- Author type: an author can be a person, a group or other. Other is for authors like: "Traditional south-american".
- Groups: (only when author is a person) list all the group this author is belonging to.
- Members: (only when author is a group) list all the members of this group.
- Notes: Free text to keep info about the author.
Toolbar actions
In addition to the global actions, This panel defines the following specific actions:
Author edition actions
Create new element.
New As
Create new element by copying the current.
Open selected element.
Delete current element.
Move in author list actions
Go to first element of the list.
Previous Group
Go to previous group of elements of the list.
Go to previous element of the list.
Go to next element of the list.
Next Group
Go to next group of elements of the list.
Go to last element of the list.